Tag Archives: railwaybazaar

Trans Siberia cities

(Photos) From Russia with Love: Cities and Villages along the Trans-Siberian Railway

(See this post for tips on planning, traveling and transportation cost from Moscow to Beijing.)

There are many more popular stop-overs along the routes not only what listed below, for example, Novgorod, Omsk, Tyumen, etc. I stopped at fewer places because I preferred to stay longer at one place, and I became lazy to haul my heavy bags on and off the train.

Life on the Russian trains

The trains, the people and the stops.

The Great Railway Bazaar

No-one else can describe train traveling more beautiful than Paul Theroux. His book ‘The Great Railway Bazaar‘, which traced the author’s train journey from London to India, uncovered a desire long buried ever since I first saw a passing train when living in Ho Chi Minh City. Like many Vietnamese, I never rode the train. It was not a common type of transport unless we needed to travel over very long distance. But Vietnamese did not travel much if not at all. If we did, we preferred motorbikes, buses, mini-vans and airplanes. Trains and rail tracks were often associated with negativity. Whenever I read about it on the news, I found only train crashes and people getting killed trying to cross over unguarded tracks.